
Bank of Canada Cuts Interest Rates by 0.25%

In a move that's been eagerly anticipated, the Bank of Canada has announced a reduction in its policy rate by 0.25%, bringing it down to 4.75% from the previous 5%. This adjustment marks the first change since July of last year and comes as a response to evolving economic conditions.

Why Did the Rate Change?

The decision to decrease the rate stems from a series of economic shifts starting in March 2022, when the Bank began increasing rates in reaction to unexpectedly high inflation. This inflation surge was a byproduct of pandemic-related financial stimuli and global supply chain disruptions, which impacted prices across the board.

What This Means for You

This rate cut is particularly significant for those in the housing market. Prospective homebuyers securing fixed-rate mortgages and current homeowners with variable-rate mortgages will likely benefit from lower interest costs. This change could make home ownership more accessible to many Canadians and provide some relief to those currently repaying loans.

Economic Overview

The Canadian economy showed signs of recovery in early 2024 after a slowdown in the latter half of the previous year. Despite the GDP growth rate being a modest 1.7%—slower than expected due to dips in inventory investments—consumer spending has remained robust at around 3%. Additionally, there have been noticeable increases in business investment and housing activities. While employment growth has not kept pace with the growth in the working-age population, the job market remains active, and wage pressures are starting to ease.

Inflation and Economic Outlook

As of April, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate has dropped to 2.7%, showing a decline from earlier rates. Core inflation metrics have also fallen, indicating a trend towards continued easing. The breadth of price increases across various CPI components has decreased, nearing historical norms.

Despite these positive trends, the Bank of Canada maintains a cautious stance. The Governing Council's recent rate cut to 4.75% reflects growing confidence that inflation will gradually align with the 2% target. However, risks in the inflation outlook still exist, and the Council is closely monitoring factors such as core inflation, the balance of demand and supply, inflation expectations, wage trends, and corporate pricing strategies.

The Road Ahead

The Bank of Canada is committed to achieving price stability and continues to monitor economic indicators closely. This latest rate cut could signal more adjustments in the future, depending on how economic conditions unfold. For Canadians, this means it's essential to stay informed and consider how these changes might impact their financial decisions.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to follow this developing story and analyze what it means for Canadians and the economy at large.


The Role of a Realtor® in Home Buying

When you're ready to dive into the real estate market, having a Realtor® by your side can be a game-changer. A Realtor® doesn't just help you find a house; they guide you through the entire home-buying process, making sure you find a home that fits both your dreams and your budget. I have outlined only a few way Realtor® can play a crucial role at every step of your home buying journey.

Finding the Right Home

The search for the perfect home begins with understanding your needs and what you can afford. A Realtor® will start by assessing your specific preferences, budget, and desired location. They have comprehensive access to listings through the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), including some that may not be publicly available. This means you get a broader selection of homes that match your criteria, and you get to see them as soon as they hit the market.

Educating and Advising

The real estate market can be complex and ever-changing. A Realtor® keeps you informed about the current market conditions, which can influence your buying decision. They explain terms and processes that may be unfamiliar, such as contingencies, escrow, and closing costs. Their knowledge can help you make informed decisions and avoid pitfalls.

Pricing and Offers

Realtors® have their fingers on the pulse of the markets they serve, which is crucial when it comes to making an offer. They perform comparative market analysis to ensure the home you’re interested in is priced right. Based on this analysis and your budget, your Realtor® will help you come up with a competitive offer that has a good chance of being accepted, without overpaying.


One of the most critical roles a Realtor® plays is that of a negotiator. Whether it's negotiating the price, the terms of the sale, repairs to be made following an inspection, or contingencies in the contract, your Realtor® advocates on your behalf. They have the experience to know what is reasonable to request and what is not, helping to streamline the negotiation process and making it less stressful for you.

Navigating Paperwork and Closing

Buying a home involves a significant amount of paperwork. Your Realtor® ensures that all the necessary documents are completed correctly and filed on time. They help you understand the fine print and ensure you meet all legal requirements and deadlines. When it’s time to close, your Realtor® will be right there with you, making sure everything goes smoothly and that you understand every document you sign.

After-Sale Service

Even after the keys are handed over, your Realtor® can still be a valuable resource. They can recommend local contractors, help you understand tax implications, and provide advice on maintaining or increasing your home’s value. If you ever have questions about your property or thinking about a future sale, your Realtor® is just a call away.

In the end, a Realtor® does more than just facilitate the buying of a home; they ensure you’re informed, confident, and comfortable throughout the process. From the initial search to the closing table, your Realtor® is an indispensable advisor and advocate. In a complex real estate market, this professional guidance is not just helpful—it’s essential. If you’re venturing into the world of real estate, consider a Realtor® your ultimate partner in making the right investment in your future.


Gardening 101: The Best Plants for Winnipeg’s Climate

Gardening season is here! Are you wanting to do some planting in your yard this year? If so, we've put together a list of the hardiest plants—those capable of withstanding temperatures as low as -40 degrees or a long drought when you are at the lake in the summer. These are truly resilient choices worth considering for your garden:


  • Limelight Hydrangea (tree form).  Its creamy white flowers blossom in late summer and transition to green in the fall. This distinctive Hydrangea tree thrives under almost any conditions.

  • Evergreens.  Incredibly hardy and a nice way of keeping colour in your yard throughout the year.

  • Globe Blue Spruce.  This plant features striking blue foliage that emerges with a silvery blue hue in the spring. The needles are highly decorative and maintain their blue color throughout the winter.

  • Skybound Arborvitae.  This majestic columnar evergreen boasts outstanding cold hardiness. Its narrow, upright shape and dark green foliage make it ideal for mass plantings, hedge creation, or as a privacy screen, all with minimal to no pruning required.


  • Annabelle Hydrangeas (available in various colors).  The Annabelle Hydrangea is a robust shrub known for its impressive blossoms that can grow up to 12 inches in diameter and is low maintenance.

  • Ninebark (available in various colors).  Ninebark is a low-maintenance shrub that thrives with minimal pruning and feeding. It is exceptionally adaptable to a variety of growing conditions, including drought.

  • Yellow Spirea.  In early spring, this plant's elegant branches burst into bloom with light, airy white flowers, well before the emergence of its bright yellow leaves. Acting like a chameleon, the foliage undergoes a striking transformation. As spring progresses, the leaves turn a vibrant chartreuse green, eventually giving way to a fiery orange hue that persists deep into the fall.


  • Karl Foerster.  A cool-season grass that experiences the majority of its growth in the spring, before temperatures rise above 24 degrees Celcius, and again in the fall as temperatures decrease. They typically retain their color well throughout the summer, though they grow minimally during hotter periods.

  • Daylily. The daylily is an exceptionally low-maintenance perennial. It is virtually immune to diseases and pests, resistant to drought, and thrives in a variety of soil types.

  • Sun King Japanese Spikenard.  This distinctive golden-leafed plant is perfect for shaded areas. Its color shines as a brighter yellow in partial sun, while in full shade, it transforms to a chartreuse or lime green.


Do any of these beauties grace your garden?


The Most VITAL Step in Preparing Your Home For Sale

The Crucial, Yet Most Overlooked Step in Preparing Your Home for Sale

If you're considering putting your home on the market, you've probably done some research on maximizing its appeal. From simple DIY projects promising the highest returns to strategic updates like fresh paint, enhancing curb appeal, flooring upgrades, hardware swaps, and professional staging – the list is extensive and yes still very relevant. However, amidst these projects lies a commonly neglected aspect- the cleanliness of your home. In short: PRIORITIZE A DEEP CLEAN!

When guiding my clients through the process of preparing their homes for sale, I often stress the significance of a deep clean. It's remarkable how such a relatively inexpensive step can profoundly impact the presentation of your home and set it apart from the competition. Consider it from the perspective of a prospective buyer.

During property viewings with my buyers clients, I can typically categorize homes on the market into three cleanliness tiers:

1. The Dirty Third

These homes often exhibit signs of neglect. Upon entering, one might notice the lack of a cleaning regimen – dirty floors, unkept bathrooms, and pet hair galore. Perhaps having served as a rental property with tenants who didn’t take care of things. The first impression to a buyer is often not great. It leaves buyers wondering "If the owners haven't maintained cleanliness, what else might they have neglected?"

2.The Lived-In Third

This category encompasses homes that are generally well-maintained. This is how most homes look during typical day to day living. A few pet hairs on furniture, a few dishes in the sink, some streaks on the windows, or sand tracked into entryways. While not necessarily off-putting, these homes are deemed 'average' and don’t stand out in terms of cleanliness.

3. The Pristine Third

Here lies the holy grail of cleanliness – I often joke, homes so immaculate you could eat off the floors! While it may seem like an unrealistic standard for everyday living (don’t worry, you only have to keep it this pristine for the showing period), these homes convey a profound sense of care and attention from their current owners. Basically seeing a home in that is pristinely clean screams well maintained. These homes make a great first impression to prospective buyers.

The key takeaway? Aim to position your home in the top tier – the pristine category. Doing so often means you have an edge over two-thirds of the competition!!! Achieving this level of cleanliness is entirely feasible with a bit of effort and minimal expense. However, if undertaking a deep clean isn't something you want to take on, consider hiring a professional cleaning service to ensure your home shines from top to bottom.

If you have any questions or require further guidance on preparing your home for the market, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help!

tips for home sellers in winnipeg#AgentSam

Samantha Scribilo

Tel: (204) 960-8851


Windsor Park Real Estate Market: A Comprehensive Overview of April 2024

The real estate market in Windsor Park has shown some interesting dynamics over the past month, reflecting broader trends in the Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board's market region. Let's dive into the details and see what April 2024 had in store for local homeowners, buyers, and real estate enthusiasts.

Key Trends and Insights from April 2024

1. Increasing Average Sale Price

The average sale price in Windsor Park for April 2024 stood at $384,705, marking a significant increase from $361,288 in March 2024 and slightly above the average over the last quarter ($369,539). This uptick is indicative of a strengthening market that could benefit sellers looking for a favorable exit.

2. Sales and Listings Dynamics

Though the number of sales slightly decreased to 12 in April from 16 in March, the sales-to-active listings ratio remained high at 90%, consistent with last year’s figures. This high ratio underlines a market where demand continues to match up robustly against the supply.

3. New Listings and Active Listings

There has been a noticeable adjustment in new and active listings, with new listings at 13 for April down from 20 in March, and active listings at 20, more than double the previous month's 9. This growth in active listings provides more options for buyers, even as the market remains competitive.

4. Price Ratios

A very telling statistic in April was the sold price to list price ratio, which stood at an impressive 104%. This is a clear indicator that properties in Windsor Park are not only selling at their asking price but often exceeding it, suggesting strong buyer competition and a seller's market.

5. Days on Market

Homes in Windsor Park are selling faster, with the average days on market at 8 in April, down from 9 in March and significantly faster than the 16 days in the last quarter. This swift turnaround is great news for sellers, indicating that well-priced homes are likely to sell quickly.

Broader Market Perspective

The Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board reports a 27% increase in all MLS® sales in April 2024 over March, and a 29% increase over last April, with total MLS® dollar volume up by an impressive 41%. This robust activity indicates a healthy, buoyant market. Furthermore, the year-to-date statistics for residential detached homes show a 17% increase in sales and an 8% rise in average prices, painting a picture of sustained growth and demand.


The Windsor Park real estate market is vibrant and dynamic, characterized by rising prices, competitive selling conditions, and a relatively quick turnover of listed properties. For prospective buyers, the market demands decisiveness and readiness, given the high sale-to-list price ratios and fast-selling conditions. Sellers, on the other hand, can look forward to potentially favorable conditions if they decide to list.

As we move further into 2024, keeping an eye on these trends will be crucial for anyone engaged in the Windsor Park real estate market, whether you're buying, selling, or simply keeping an eye on the market.

Amy McDermid



Top Regrets of First Time Home Sellers

Zillow recently released a report after surveying nearly 2000 Home Sellers that sold their first home in the last 2 years. 

The statistics were shocking – with nearly 84% of recent first-time home sellers having regrets about their sale.

So what were the top regrets amongst these sellers, and how can YOU prevent this from happening to you?

First, let’s start with the top regrets:

  1. Not having a winning pricing strategy
  2. Ignoring curb appeal
  3. Bad timing
  4. Ignoring repairs

These might seem obvious, but when it is actually you selling your own home, the process is incredibly emotional and oftentimes, our vantage point is clouded.  I was a Realtor for several years when I sold my last personal residence.  Let me tell you, I would be lying if I said I didn’t make mistakes.  I would have been the worst client, ever! It is so funny how much more difficult it became to view the process pragmatically, when I was selling something so personal to me.  So, I can see how people would end up with regrets as many of the decisions are made from a place of emotion and not necessarily rational thought.  Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemies. I should maybe add here that I was also 9 months pregnant when I sold that home – so emotions were running very high.  Let’s call it extreme nesting. 

Let’s discuss then what I would recommend as a Realtor that can capably sell your home, just not her own.  Without further ado, here are my recommendations to combat making one of the four mistakes discussed:

  1. Not having a winning pricing strategy. Getting the price right, is so very important, and trusting the professionals is paramount.  Pricing too high, means your house often sits, Buyers begin to dismiss it and think something is wrong with it – and almost always, those sales end up less than market average on a price-per-square-foot basis.  Price too low though, and you could be leaving good money on the table.  It is so hard to price a property if we have a personal attachment to it. We oftentimes have confirmation bias when it comes to our own residences.  For instance, we might only see support for higher pricing on our home based on our own interpretation of the comps.  Maybe your yard is slightly bigger, and your garage is newer.  But perhaps we fail to take into consideration that their yard was more functional or their garage was larger and better constructed.  Whatever it might be, it is important to not make our own assessments in terms of pricing.  I see no harm in having a range of what you deem to be an acceptable listing price.  However, I strongly advise that you consult the professionals in arriving at a listing price.  I actually think you should consult with a few professionals, just to get a well-rounded picture of the market.  Sometimes those opinions may vary, but getting an appropriate range is what is important.  If you find there are outliers in pricing, look at the Agent’s track record.  Have they been successful at selling homes in your neighbourhood?  Getting the price right from the get-go, will put you in the strongest position to net the most!
  2. Ignoring Curb Appeal. You only get one first impression, and if that first-impression isn’t great – Buyers are going to be extra critical when they are touring your property.  For instance, peeling paint outside might signal neglect or a lack of care. It is always best to start out on the right foot!  In Winnipeg, sometimes it can be tricky to work on that curb appeal when you are selling in the dead of winter.  But there are still things you can do!  For instance, a shoveled and well-lit walkway leading to the home.  Updated exterior light fixtures (that all match including the bulbs) also goes a long way.  Even changing out the house numbers, putting a nice wreath on the door, etc. all communicate pride of ownership.  Selling in the spring/summer? Be sure to trim back hedges, have freshly cut grass, take down those Christmas lights, put some beautiful planters and a nice mat outside the front door, etc.  Always be thinking about showing pride of ownership, as that translates to a well-cared-for home, and ultimately – more money in your pocket!
  3. Bad timing.  Warren Buffet will tell you that you can’t time any market.  And for the most part, he is correct.  There are definitely different months of the year that are more difficult to sell, and there are even times of the week in which you should be listing to catch the eyes of the optimal amount of Buyers.  Having the right strategy, will always result in higher returns.
  4. Ignoring Repairs.  Similar to the curb appeal example given above, ignoring repairs, or deferred maintenance are huge concerns for Buyers. If they are touring your home and are given a long laundry-list of items that need to be addressed, it is easy to see how they may become overwhelmed. Shingles, windows, electrical, plumbing, furnaces, hot water tanks, etc. all needing to be redone in the near-future mean there isn’t money left over for them to do the cosmetics or put their personal stamp on the home.  Sure, maybe having to deal with one item from the list above would be within the realm of acceptability.  But in general, Buyers do expect a Seller to perform regular maintenance on their home, and many indications of deferred maintenance will just scream “money pit”.  In which case, brace for the lowball offer!

I know I am biased, but I highly recommend getting the opinion of a professional, just to make sure you don’t have regrets when selling.  Having a well-prepared home, that is properly priced, properly marketed, along with a well-executed strategy, means you will always win!

listing realtor in winnipeg manitoba#AgentJen

Jennifer Queen

Phone: (204) 797-7945



Maximizing Home Value Before Selling - What to Do...

Selling your home can be both exciting and daunting. You want to ensure that you get the best possible price for your property, and that often means making some strategic improvements and staging it effectively.

Whether you’re a seasoned homeowner or a first-time seller, there are several simple steps you can take to maximize the resale value of your home without breaking the bank.

  1. Enhance Curb Appeal: The first impression matters, and the exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see. Simple enhancements like repainting the front door, adding potted plants, ensuring the lawn is well-maintained and that shrubs and bushes are trimmed, can significantly boost curb appeal without costing a fortune.
  2. Paint: A fresh coat of paint can work wonders in transforming the look and feel of your home. Think neutral and light colours that appeal to a broader audience and make rooms appear brighter and more spacious.
  3. Upgrade Kitchen & Bathrooms: Kitchen and bathrooms are key selling points for homes. While major renovations can be costly, you can make noticeable improvements by updating fixtures, replacing cabinet hardware, installing new faucets or refinishing cabinets.
  4. Declutter & Depersonalize: Clearing out clutter and personal items can help potential buyers envision themselves living in the space. Pack away family photos, excess knick-knacks and any other personal belongings that may distract buyers from seeing the potential of the home.
  5. Maximize Natural Light: Natural light can make a space feel more inviting and spacious. Remove heavy drapes or curtains, trim back overgrown bushes or trees blocking windows, and ensure that windows are clean to maximize the amount of natural light flowing into your home.
  6. Create Defined Spaces: Help buyers visualize the functionality of each room by defining its purpose. Arrange furniture in a way that highlights the rooms potential use, whether it’s a cozy reading nook, home office, or formal dining area.
  7. Invest in Minor Repairs: Attend to any minor repairs such as leaky faucets, squeaky doors, cracked tile, or chipped paint. While these may seem like small issues, they can signal neglect to potential buyers and distract them from the overall appeal of your home.
  8. Add Greenery and Flowers: Incorporating plants and flowers into your home to key areas such as the entryway, living room, or dining area adds a touch of freshness and colour.
  9. Consult with a Professional Stager: If you’re unsure about how to best showcase your home, consider hiring a professional stager. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations for optimizing the layout, décor, and overall presentation of your home to appeal to a wider audience.

These simple home improvements and staging tips can help you maximize the resale value of your home and attract potential buyers. Remember, it’s the little details that can make a big difference in how your home is perceived!

Listing your house in winnipeg


Sheyla Duncan

Phone: (204) 871-3228


Staging Costs in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Lately, I've noticed a recurring question from clients: "Is staging expensive?" It seems folks are grappling with whether the effort and expense are truly worthwhile.

The short answer is yes – staging is almost always worthwhile. 


But you do have to view the expense of staging as an investment – with figures usually starting from $1500 and going up from there for a whole home stage.

So, what exactly factors into home staging costs, you ask? Here's our take on how those fees come together:

  1. Consultation and Planning: It all kicks off with an initial consultation, where we, along with our stager dive into assessing the property, determining who our likely client will be, hashing out goals, and crafting a tailored staging plan. This stage requires a blend of design expertise, knowledge of market trends, and an intuitive grasp of buyer psychology.  For every listing, we pay a consultation fee to our stager to come and do a walk through of the property. In all honesty, this is likely one of the most value-adding parts of the process (especially when combined with professional photography and videography).
  2. Furniture and Accessories: A significant chunk of staging expenses goes into curating the right furniture and accessories to elevate the property's visual appeal. Think sofas, chairs, tables, rugs, artwork, lighting fixtures – you name it. Every piece is carefully selected to compliment the home's style and resonate with the target audience.  This furniture comes at a cost.  Sometimes stagers will actually rent the furniture from other outfits, if it means getting the right piece for your home.
  3. Vacant Home Considerations: Vacant properties often require a larger quantity of furnishings and accessories compared to occupied ones. Costs here can vary depending on factors like quantity, style, and size of the items tailored to each property's needs.
  4. Transportation and Logistics: Moving furniture and accessories to and from the property involves logistical coordination and transportation costs. Stagers have to factor in expenses like labour, delivery, setup, and removal, along with the need for suitable vehicles to transport the staging inventory.
  5. Staging Execution: On staging day, the team works its magic, arranging furniture and accessories to showcase the property's best features and create a cohesive aesthetic. This process demands skill, creativity, and meticulous attention to detail to ensure every room exudes visual appeal and charm.
  6. Professional Expertise: Behind the scenes, stagers invest in ongoing training, education, and certification to stay ahead of industry trends. Their expertise in design, marketing, and psychology enables them to stage properties effectively for maximum impact.
  7. Overhead: Like any business, staging companies shoulder overhead expenses such as insurance, warehousing, transportation, labour, utilities, marketing, and administrative costs. These overheads are factored into the overall cost of staging services.

Now, with all that being said, we understand that taking on the expense and effort of staging can be daunting. The numbers can seem quite steep, and there's always the lingering question: will your home even sell? That's why we offer our clients the option of rolling staging fees into the commissions.

It's worth noting that our base fee already covers what we feel are the essentials like consultation and planning, accessory staging (items sourced from our own inventory), and professional execution.

Adjustments to the fee structure typically only come into play when larger-scale projects require bringing in movers or ordering additional furniture to be installed.  But in general, we have tchotchkes, dining tables, chairs, bar stools, sofas, rugs, coffee tables, pillows, towels, throws, etc.  And those are available at no additional charge!

staging realtors in winnipeg#AgentJen

Jennifer Queen

Phone: (204) 797-7945


Closing Costs in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Buying or selling a home in Manitoba involves more than just the purchase price, it also involves closing costs. Closing costs are additional expenses incurred beyond the homes purchase price, these fees cover various services essential for finalizing a real estate transaction.

Buyers Closing Costs:

For buyers, closing costs typically range from 1.5% to 3% of the homes purchase price, excluding the down payment. Several factors influence these costs, including specific terms of the offer and mortgage details.

  1. Contingencies in the offer: Depending on the offers terms, additional costs may arise. For example, if you would like a home inspection to be completed, this will typically cost around $500. While not mandatory, many buyers opt for a home inspection to ensure the property’s condition.
  2. Mortgage details: Mortgage terms and conditions, such as mortgage default insurance and appraisal fees can impact closing costs significantly.
  3. Legal Fees: Legal services and administrative fees are crucial for a smooth property transfer. These may include title searches, title insurance, and land transfer tax.
  4. Other costs: Additional closing costs for buyers may include property insurance, GST (for new or substantially renovated homes), and moving expenses.

Sellers Closing Costs:

Sellers also incur closing costs which include real estate commissions, legal fees, and any outstanding taxes or mortgage related expenses associated with the property. Additionally, sellers closing costs may also include the final water bill, and moving expenses.

Closing costs are an inevitable part of the purchase and sale process. Having a general understanding of what closing costs may apply to you will allow you to better prepare for the purchase or sale of a home and mitigate the risk encountering unforeseen fees during this process.

Looking for a quote on the expenses ahead? Please be sure to reach out.  I'm happy to help you gather the information you need to make your moving decision!

closing costs in winnipeg manitoba#AgentSheyla

Sheyla Duncan

Phone: (204) 871-3228


Windsor Park Real Estate: A Testament to Growth in 2024

Windsor Park, a vibrant community within Winnipeg, which is experiencing a energetic shift in its real estate market, demonstrating strong growth and increased activity as we move through the first quarter of 2024. A detailed analysis of the latest statistics reveals significant trends that are shaping the market, making Windsor Park an area with promising potential for homebuyers and investors alike.

Surging Average Sale Prices

March 2024 has seen a remarkable surge in the average sale price to $370,100, a considerable jump from February's $336,350 and effortlessly surpassing the previous year's average of $361,454. This upward price momentum underscores a solid demand for homes in Windsor Park, emphasizing its allure and supporting the confidence of families eager to plant roots here.

Sales Volume and Listings: The Heat is On

March saw a remarkable leap in sales to 18, a substantial increase from February’s 7, laying the groundwork for a year that might well exceed the previous tally of 122 sales. This escalation, alongside climbing prices, outlines a fiercely competitive market. A scarcity of listings is met with high demand for premium homes, underscoring the urgency for buyers. The current landscape underscores a market brimming with potential yet restricted by the availability of new listings, nudging buyers towards swift decision-making.

Market Liquidity and Efficiency

Properties in Windsor Park are moving fast, maintaining a 7-day market presence similar to the previous month, and significantly outpacing the last quarter and year. This brisk turnover, coupled with an uptick in active listings to 20 from the previous 9, offers a glimmer of hope in an otherwise tight market. Yet, with a sales-to-active ratio of 90%, the demand for Windsor Park homes remains unyielded.

Windsor Park in the Greater Winnipeg Context

The overall Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board statistics for March and the first quarter of 2024 reflect a positive trend that is also mirrored in Windsor Park. With all MLS® sales up 11% from last year and the average residential detached MLS® price up 8%, Windsor Park is part of a broader pattern of growth within Winnipeg's real estate market.

Interest Rates and Future Outlook

The Bank of Canada's steady hand, maintaining the key interest rate at 5% for the sixth time, signals a conducive climate for the real estate market. This financial stability is anticipated to bolster confidence among buyers and investors in Windsor Park and beyond. With speculations of impending rate adjustments, all eyes are on the forthcoming June announcement, stirring a blend of anticipation and speculation.

Looking Forward

Windsor Park is showcasing signs of a thriving real estate market as we progress through 2024. With rising average sale prices, a competitive market environment, and quick sales turnover, Windsor Park is positioned as a desirable location for those looking to invest or find their next home in Winnipeg. As the market continues to evolve, potential buyers and sellers in Windsor Park will find opportunities in a community that is not only growing but thriving in the dynamic landscape of Winnipeg's real estate market.


Amy McDermid 

Phone:(204) 470-5356



Living on South Drive in East Fort Garry, Winnipeg

It is an area we are often asked to assist on.  However, so few properties rarely come for sale along this stretch, and when they do - they are snapped up quickly!

Welcome to South Drive, where the dreams of homeownership align with the serene beauty of nature and a tight-knit community vibe all while meandering along the curves of the Red River. Here, each house tells a story, and no two are alike.  This is a street with promise of new beginnings while combining prestige and history. There are many memories yet to be made. South Drive isn't just about the homes for sale; it's about discovering a lifestyle that cherishes every sunrise, values neighbors as friends, and finds harmony in the balance of city convenience and natural beauty. If you're seeking a house that feels like home in a community that feels like family, your search begins here.


Real Estate Market Overview

Navigating the South Drive real estate options are like uncovering hidden gems. The market boasts a diverse array of houses, from charming vintage bungalows to modern architectural marvels, all reflecting the eclectic spirit of the community. However, the options come up quite seldom here - oftentimes properties are sold off market. With prices that range from above-average for Winnipeg all the way up to luxury price points. Riverfront lots always tend to sell for more.  There are opportunities that cater to a spectrum of aspirations and lifestyles here. Notable trends along South Drive include a growing demand for sustainable living features and spaces that blend indoor and outdoor living seamlessly. The variety available ensures that whether you're a first-time buyer or looking to upgrade, there's a match for you on South Drive.


Buying a House on South Drive

Purchasing a house on South Drive is more than a transaction; it's a journey to finding your place within a vibrant community. Start by envisioning your ideal lifestyle: Do you dream of backyard barbecues, or is a quiet, cozy reading nook more your style? Understanding the essence of what makes a house a home for you will guide your search. Partner with a realtor who not only knows South Drive but loves it – someone who can provide insider insights into the nuances of the neighbourhood. Embrace the process, and remember, the right house on South Drive is not just about the walls that enclose it but the life that unfolds within them.  Truly. 

Logan and I have looked at a few properties for ourselves up and down South Drive over the years before we settled into what we now deem to be our forever home.  What we found for properties under $1 million were homes that had some challenges.  Perhaps not so straightforward renovations, ones in which structural engineers would need to be called upon.  Ultimately, many of the homes we toured in hopes of renovating were later demolished and new houses erected in their place.  And we get it, the lots are spectacular - most of the time.  The other challenge can be riverbank erosion.  There are several houses along South Drive with the most spectacular and deep backyards.  However, there are some that have seen their yards shrink due to riverbank errosion.

In our opinion, living on the river will always be worth the maintenance expenses that we must pay for riverbank stabilization.  However, we also realize it may not be for all - and that's okay.  There are always non-river options, too.

Neighbourhood Highlights

South Drive is a mosaic of scenic beauty, community spirit, and unparalleled convenience. Imagine living where the morning jog takes you along riverfront trails, where schools are more than institutions but pillars of the community, and where local shops and eateries are just minutes from the area. South Drive’s proximity to some of Winnipeg’s most esteemed schools, lush parks like Crescent Drive Park, and pathways make it a top contender for anyone looking to buy a house. It’s a community where life’s necessities meet the pleasures of living.


In Closing...

Ready to turn the page to the next chapter of your life in South Drive? Whether you’re dreaming of a home that whispers tranquility or one that screams adventure, let’s discover it together. Contact us today to explore houses for sale in South Drive and find the home that not just meets, but exceeds your expectations. Your journey to home starts here.  Reach out to us at

south drive realtors winnipeg#AgentJen

Jennifer Queen

Phone: (204) 797-7945


Is Staging Worth It?  A Take from a Winnipeg Realtor’s Perspective

Let me save you the hassle of scrolling through this entire blog post – my response is a resounding YES!

In the current real estate landscape of Winnipeg, we're still riding the wave of a robust seller's market – homes are flying off the shelves, often fetching close to or even exceeding their list price, and bidding wars have become the norm. So, will your house likely fetch a handsome sum regardless? Most likely, yes.

However, here's the crucial question: could you potentially be leaving money on the table by skipping the staging process? My answer to that is also most likely, yes.

According to the 2023 Profile of Home Staging report by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), a staggering 81 percent of buyers' agents affirmed that staging significantly aids buyers in envisioning the property as their future home. Additionally, 20 percent of buyers' agents noted a price increase of 1-5 percent for staged homes compared to similar unstaged ones.

It's imperative to grasp the value staging adds to the selling journey. Staging is, essentially, marketing. By investing in professional home staging services, sellers can amplify the market appeal of their properties, attract a broader pool of buyers, and ultimately clinch a quicker and more lucrative sale. Moreover, it helps preemptively address potential objections buyers might raise.

realtors that stage in winnipegNow, who should ultimately bear the cost of staging? One common concern we encounter is the expense associated with staging, and indeed, it can add up. However, on our team, we often shoulder the burden of staging costs. Nevertheless, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

We always cover the expense of the staging consultation, which involves a comprehensive room-by-room discussion and plan, not just a walkthrough with the Realtor, but also with our stager. We strive to work with your existing furniture whenever feasible, as long as it effectively showcases the space. In cases where additional items are needed – what we term an accessory stage – there's usually no extra charge if they're sourced from our staging inventory, which includes a plethora of items ranging from couches, chairs, bar stools, beds, and dining tables to artwork and rugs. We quite literally, have it all.

Of course, there are instances where more extensive staging is warranted. For example, in the case of a vacant home where our existing inventory wouldn't quite fill-out the space, and professional movers are required to transport items, additional fees may come into play. However, such scenarios are relatively rare, and we always engage in thorough consultations with our clients to devise a tailored plan. In some cases, alternative solutions like virtual staging or targeted staging for specific problematic areas of the home may also be explored (also services that we cover). Regardless of any fees involved, we ensure that the investment in staging yields significant returns.

We afford our clients the flexibility to either cover the staging costs upfront or roll them into the commissions. While some Realtors staunchly advocate for sellers to foot the staging bill upfront, given that they stand to reap the greatest financial rewards, I also recognize the substantial benefits of presenting a properly staged home. We take immense pride in the meticulous attention we devote to presenting our listings in the best possible light.

But yes, staging is 100% worth the expense. I have yet to encounter a situation in which the staging did not pay for itself in the sale proceeds

staging realtors in winnipeg


Jennifer Queen

Phone: (204) 797-7945


Navigating the Post-Offer Phase: What Happens After Your Offer is Accepted

Congratulations! Your offer has been accepted. Before you start celebrating, there are crucial steps to navigate in the post-offer phase. While you may think most of the work is done, this is the time you need to ensure you are on top of everything, listening to your Realtor, & meeting deadlines. For many buyers, the post-offer phase can seem mysterious. While much focus is placed on finding the perfect home and making an offer, what happens after is equally important.

Securing Your Deposit:

Once both parties have signed the offer to purchase confirming acceptance of your bid, your Realtor will likely arrange for the collection of your deposit. This deposit isn’t just a financial commitment; it demonstrates your intent to proceed with the purchase. Typically, the deposit is required within 24 hours of acceptance and can be made through a bank draft, certified cheque, or e-transfer.

Meeting Condition Deadlines:

Many offers come with conditions or contingencies that must be fulfilled within specified deadlines. Common conditions include financing approval and a home inspection. These deadlines typically range from 3-7 days from acceptance. Effective scheduling and communication with your bank, inspector, and Realtor are crucial for meeting these deadlines seamlessly.

Finalizing Conditions:

Once your conditions are satisfied, it is time to sign off on them, solidifying the deal and transforming it into a firm sale. Congratulations, you’ve officially purchased a home! If the home inspection was to reveal unsatisfactory results or financing approval isn’t secured, this phase offers the opportunity to terminate the transaction, with your deposit remaining refundable.

Preparing for Possession:

As we transition from meeting deadlines to preparing for possession day, there is a slight slowdown in activity. Depending on the possession timeline, you’ll begin sorting through belongings, packing up, and considering important tasks like mail forwarding and notifying address changes. Stay in touch with your mortgage specialist and lawyer to finalize details, and before you know it possession day will arrive!

Navigating the post-offer phase is a crucial part of the home buying process. With guidance from your Realtor and effective communication, you can ensure a smooth transition from offer acceptance to possession day. 

real estate advice in winnipeg manitoba#AgentSheyla

Sheyla Duncan

Phone: (204) 871-3228


What to do in Winnipeg in April 2024!

March is almost over, and boy-oh-boy did it give us one last taste of Winter.  Can we really complain though, after the incredibly mild winter we had experienced leading up to March? 

With April upon us, we have compiled a list of activities to do in Winnipeg in 2024.  We try to keep this list as thorough as possible so that there is something for everyone.  But if there is anything you would like to see added to this list, please let us know at  

What to do in Winnipeg in April

Winnipeg Jets Home Game Schedule

  • April 1st Los Angeles Kings
  • April 4th Calgary Flames
  • April 16th Seattle Kraken
  • April 18th Vancouver Canucks


Manitoba Moose Home Game Schedule

  • April 6th Chicago Wolves
  • April 7th Chicago Wolves
  • April 13th Iowa Wild
  • April 14th Iowa Wild

✨ April 2nd - Noah Kahan - We’ll All Be Here Forever Tour at Canada Life Centre

✨ April 2nd – Walk Right Back, the Everly Brothers Story at  Club Regent Casino

✨ April 2nd – 30th - Toddler Tuesdays at The Leaf. Free activities aimed at kids aged 2-4 (all kids welcome though) from 9:30 am - 10:00 a.m.

✨ April 2nd – 30th - The Lehman Trilogy at the Royal Manitoba Theatre John Hirsch Mainstage

✨ April 2nd – 3rd - Tyler Penner at Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ April 3rd – Career Fair Canada at the RBC Convention Centre

✨ April 3rd - Chris Stapleton - All-American Road Show at Canada Life Centre

✨ April 3rd – 20th - Guilt: A Love Story at the Royal Manitoba Theatre Tom Hendry Warehouse

✨ April 3rd and April 17th - The Leaf After Dark: Adults Only Nights at The Leaf

✨ April 4th – 7th - Winnipeg Home + Garden Show at RBC Convention Centre

✨ April 4th - LetterKenny Presents: A Night of Stand-Up at Club Regent Event Centre

✨ April 4th –25th Thursday Throw Down: Open Street Dance Session at The Forks Market, Room 201

✨ April 4th – 6th Ryan Long - CONCERT SERIES at Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ April 5th - First Friday in The Exchange: Galleries, Artist-Run Centres, Studios, Shops + Museums open late in Winnipeg's Exchange District.

✨ April 5th - Beyond the Beat Music Series featuring Sarah Harmer at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights

✨ Apr 5th - Queens of the Stone Age - The End Is Nero tour at the Canada Life Centre

✨ April 5th – 6th Casey Corbin Comedy Shows At Yuk Yuk's

✨ April 6th -7th Wanna Dance Canada -  2024 Dance Tour at Red River Exhibition Park

✨ April 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th – Alive in the Woods at Fort Whyte Centre

✨ April 6th Micah! joue de la musique at Centre culturel franco-manitobain  A captivating world of music and comedy, all in French for your children.

✨ April 6th - Four By Four - Tribute to The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Bee-Gees & Moto at Club Regent Entertainment Centre

✨ April 6th – 7th - Oscar-Winning Soundtracks with Eli Glasner presented by Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra at the Centennial Concert Hall

✨ April 7th - Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir presents A New Earth: Music for Spring at Crescent Arts Centre

✨ April 7th and 21st - Create and Connect Crafts at The Leaf. Crafts are appropriate for kids and families of all ages and are accessible without admission to the biomes. 

✨ April 8th - Solar Eclipse Viewing Event(with safe solar telescopes) at the Kitchen Garden at The Leaf

✨ April 8th - Canada’s Drag Race Tour at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ April 9th - Emmanuel Lomuro at Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ April 10th All Elite Wrestling at Canada Life Centre

✨ April 10th - MTEC Hospitality, Tourism & Retail JOB FAIR at RBC Convention Centre

✨ April 10th - 38th Annual: Hope Couture Fashion Gala at the RBC Convention Centre

✨ April 10th – 13th - Kevin Bozeman at Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy

✨ April 11th and 25th - Downtown Farmer’s Market at Cityplace Winnipeg

✨ April 11th – 13th - Thunder From Down Under at Club Regent Event Centre

✨ April 12th – 13th - Winnipeg Fine Art Fair at Red River Exhibition Park

✨ April 12th – 13th - Byron Bertram Comedy Shows At Yuk Yuk's

✨ April 12th - April Wine at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ April 12th - Lil Tjay - Good Life Tour at Canada Life Centre

✨ April 12th to 14th - Jurassic Quest at RBC Convention Centre

✨April 13th - X Ambassadors Townie Tour at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ April 13th - A Musical Journey with Tomson Highway at The Leaf

✨ April 13th - Spring Market at Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum

✨ April 13th, 17th and 19th Manitoba Opera: Carmen at the Centennial Concert Hall

✨ April 16th – 18th - Benji Rothman at Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy

✨ April 17th - 18th Canadian National Dance Championships at the RBC Convention Centre

✨ April 18th Adult and Teen Challenge of Central Canada Journey of Hope Gala at The Fort Garry Hotel

✨ April 18th – 20th Manitoba Dental Association Convention and Trade Show at RBC Convention Centre

✨ April 18th – 21st - Western Regional Championships 2024 (rhythmic gymnastics) at Canada Games Sport for Life Centre

✨April 19th – 20th - Ian Bagg - CONCERT SERIES at Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ April 19th –21st - Third + Bird Spring Market at Red River Exhibition

✨ April 19th – 20th – World of Banksy Winnipeg at Winnipeg Art Gallery

✨ April 19th - Discount Day at the Zoo (25% off child admission) at Assiniboine Park Zoo

✨ April 19th – 21st – Art in Bloom 2024 at WAG-Qaumajuq

✨ April 20th - Sustainability Tour at The Leaf. Tours begin at 1:00 pm are roughly 30 minutes long.

✨ April 21st - Earth Day at Fort Whyte Alive (presentations, workshops, and discount admissions).

✨April 23rd – 24th - Mike Green at Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ April 24th - Tori Kelly - Purple Skies Tour at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ April 24th – May 18th - The Comeback at the Royal Manitoba Theatre John Hirsch Mainstage

✨ April 25th - Moonlit Melodies at Fort Whyte Alive

✨ April 25th - Grapes vs Grains at Pineridge Hollow (5 course menu, 5 beer pairings, 5 wine pairings, beer and wine expertise from guest experts).

✨ April 25th - Luke Bryan - Mind Of A Country Boy Tour at Canada Life Centre

✨ April 25th – 27th - T.J. Miller - CONCERT SERIES at Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ April 25th – 28th - Royal Winnipeg Ballet : Carmina Burana at the Centennial Concert Hall

✨ April 26th - 27th - Dream Maker Auction at the RBC Convention Centre

✨ April 26th –27th Jason Rouse Comedy Shows At Yuk Yuk's

✨ April 26th – 28th - The 23rd annual Rodarama at Red River Exhibition Place

✨ April 26th – 28th the Pa’Akai We Bring at MTYP Mainstage

✨ April 27th - The 2024 DASCH Possibilities Gala at the RBC Convention Centre

✨ April 27th - Spring Market at Pineridge Hollow in The Market Building

✨ April 28th - The Winnipeg Singers present Their Voices Resound at Winnipeg Art Gallery

✨ April 30th - The Best Is Yet To Come: Dusk Sings Bennett at Club Regent Event Centre

✨April 30th – May 5th - Winnipeg Comedy Festival at the Gas Station Arts Centre & Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ Discover a wide selection of art classes (drawing, painting, pottery, clay works, digital art and more) starting in April for children and adults at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Please visit the website for details 

We hope to see you at some of these events.  Happy Spring, everyone!


What Stays with a Home When You Buy

When buying a home, it is essential to understand what is included in the purchase and remains with the property, and what is the personal property of the seller and will be taken with them when they leave.

Fixtures vs. Chattels:

Fixtures are the immovable elements of a home, including built-in features and permanently attached items. They are considered part of the real estate and are typically included in the purchase unless otherwise specified in the contract. On the other hand, chattels are moveable items or personal property that is not permanently affixed to the property. Chattels are not automatically included in the purchase and need to be explicitly outlined in the contract.

Visualizing the Difference:

Imagine holding a house in your hands. When you flip it upside down and shake it, whatever falls out would be considered a chattel, while whatever remains fixed or attached to the home is a fixture. While there may be a few grey areas, this analogy generally helps decipher between fixtures vs chattels. Some fixtures, like built in cabinetry and light fixtures, are obvious. Meanwhile, chattels such as a couch or table and chairs are clearly movable and the personal property of the seller. However, there are items in between that the buyer may be unsure of, this is where clear communication and documentation become crucial.

Negotiations & Clarity:

Certain chattels are commonly included in a home sale, such as appliances and larger items like hot tubs or storage sheds. It is important to note that their inclusion is not automatic, and they must be written into the offer to purchase. It is essential for both parties to clearly communicate their expectations and come to an agreement on what stays vs. goes. The purchase agreement serves as your roadmap, outlining what is included in the sale and what is not. Chattels that are to be left with the property must be written into the offer to purchase for the buyer to safely assume they will stay in the home come possession.

Final Advice:

Never assume anything when it comes to what stays with a home. If an item is crucial to you, ensure it is explicitly mentioned in your contract. While incorporating a specific item of personal property from the seller into your offer doesn’t guarantee its inclusion, it initiates the opportunity for discussion and negotiation. Your Realtor is instrumental in guiding you through this process, addressing concerns, and ensuring a smooth transaction. Lean on them for support and don’t hesitate to ask if you’re unsure! With clear communication and proper documentation, you can ensure you know what to expect will be there when you move into your new home.

Want advice on what should stay and what should go?  Please be sure to reach out!

real estate advice in winnipeg manitoba#AgentSheyla

Sheyla Duncan

Phone: (204) 871-3228


Preparing to write your first offer (in Winnipeg) - updated for 2024!

As Realtors, it’s our job to support our buyer clients throughout the whole home buying process. When you find a home that you love we want to ensure you feel confident and prepared to write an offer.  That’s why when we first start working with buyers our team makes sure to educate our clients on the offering process that way there are not any surprises when you find that perfect home you want to write on. The more prepared you are and the more knowledge you have make writing an offer on a home a lot less overwhelming.

To make the process of writing an offer on a home seamless, here are a few items to think about before sitting down with your Realtor to complete the offer to purchase contract.


1. Understand an offer to purchase once accepted is a binding contract. 

The first time we write an offer, it will typically take upwards of an hour to explain all of the “fine print”. We want to make sure your feel educated and fully understand what you are committing to. The offer to purchase contract will outline the terms of your offer.


2. Prepare documentation you will need to write an offer. To write an offer be prepared to present the following: 

  • A form of government issued photo identification
  • A deposit cheque made out the listing brokerage- note these funds will come out of your account within 24 hours of acceptance
  •  A mortgage pre-approval letter (if applicable).


3. Get in touch with your bank or mortgage broker and ask how long it will take for them to process your financing. 

If you are writing a financing condition into your offer to purchase, we need to include an exact date and time by which you will satisfy your financing condition. Therefore, before writing an offer we suggest to call your mortgage provider and find out how fast they can process the mortgage.


4. Things to Think About in Advance:

If you have any questions in regard to the following do not stress. Your Realtor is here to help.

Financial Considerations:

  • How much are you willing to comfortably pay for the home?
  • Deposit amount - what amount are you comfortable with leaving your bank account tomorrow?
  • Down payment - your agent will ask for your breakdown as you are filling out the offer. 

Other Terms to Include:

  • If you are using mortgage financing, are you including a financing condition?
  • Are you planning to insert a home inspection condition?
  • Are you planning to insert any other conditions (we have a list if you would like to see the options)?

Possession Date

Often the seller will indicate an ideal possession date. However it is up to the buyer what they write into their offer. So think about when you would want to take possession of your new home. (note: the average time for possession is between 30-60 days)



Again our team is here to support and educate you through the entire process of purchasing a home but when you have a general understanding of what is required to write an offer to purchase, and have all the documentation prepared in advance it helps make the process seamless and stress free.

Happy Shopping!

buying a home in winnipeg manitoba#AgentJen

Jennifer Queen

Phone: (204) 797-7945


Buying and Selling: What Should You Do First?

Deciding to sell your current home and buy a new one can be an overwhelming task, especially when you’re unsure of the best sequence of events. Should you sell your current home first or buy your new home before selling? Each approach has its own set of advantages and drawbacks, and understanding these can help you make an informed decision. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of each option.

Selling First


  1. Financial Clarity: By selling your home before buying a new one, you gain financial clarity. Knowing the exact amount of equity, you have from the sale allows you to determine your budget for purchasing your next home.
  2. Stronger Negotiation Position: With your current home sold, you’re in a stronger negotiation position when making an offer on your next home. You won’t need to include a contingency of the sale of your current property, giving you an advantageous position.
  3. Reduce Stress: Selling first can reduce the stress of carrying two mortgages or worrying about the timing of selling and buying simultaneously. It allows for a smoother transition between homes.


  1. Temporary Housing: Selling your home before buying may require you to find temporary housing while you search for your next home.
  2. Limited Options: Without a place to move into immediately, you may feel rushed to find a new home, limiting your options or potentially settling for a property that doesn’t fully meet your needs.

Buying First


  1. No Rush: Buying your next home before selling your current one gives you the luxury of time. You can carefully search for the perfect property without feeling pressured to make a rushed decision.
  2. Smooth Transition: Moving from one home to another is seamless when you already have your next home secured. There is no need for temporary housing or storage arrangements.


  1. Financial Strain: Buying before selling means you may have to carry two mortgages simultaneously, which can strain your finances.
  2. Pressure to Sell: Without the buffer of time provided by selling first, you may feel pressured to sell your current home quickly, potentially leading to accepting a lower offer.
  3. Contingency Challenges: If you require the funds from your current home to purchase your next home, you will need to insert a contingency that your offer is subject to the sale of your current home. In competitive markets, this makes your offer less likely to be accepted.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to selling or buying first. Each option comes with its own set of pros and cons which must be weighed carefully based on your individual circumstances and preferences. Whether you prioritize financial stability, flexibility, or minimizing stress, considering these factors can help you make the best decision for your situation.

Want professional advice on what is right for you?  Reach out!

Best realtors in winnipeg manitoba#AgentSheyla

Sheyla Duncan

Phone: (204) 871-3228


Nestled within the serene confines of Windsor Park lies a treasure trove of hidden gems, inviting residents and visitors alike to discover the beauty of its parks and outdoor spaces. From Crestwood Park's peaceful ambiance to the vibrant energy of Durham Park, each locale offers its own unique allure and opportunities for leisure, exercise, and community connection.

Crestwood Park, tucked between Crestwood Crescent and Conifer Crescent, stands out for its tranquil atmosphere and family-friendly amenities. With playgrounds for children and ample green space for relaxation and leisure activities, it serves as a cherished retreat from the bustling city life.

Cherry Park, at the corner of Autumnwood Drive and Cherry Crescent, offers two baseball diamonds and plenty of greenery for recreation and relaxation. These smaller parks play a vital role in urban areas, providing pockets of nature for nearby residents to enjoy outdoor activities and fostering a connection to the community.

Westmount Park, boasting four soccer fields and a playground, serves as a vibrant recreational hub for its community. Its well-maintained facilities cater to both organized sports and leisurely play, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Lomond Park, with its soccer fields, wading pool, and playground, stands as a beloved sanctuary within Winnipeg. Families gather to partake in the joys of outdoor recreation and community connection, creating cherished memories amidst the park's natural beauty.

Jubinville Park, offers a serene escape amidst lush greenery. Its vibrant playground serves as a focal point for families seeking outdoor fun and adventure, fostering a warm and welcoming atmosphere that embodies the spirit of community.

Vincent Massey Park, emerges as a cherished gem within the neighborhood, providing a blend of outdoor recreation and community engagement. Its soccer fields and playground offer opportunities for both athletic pursuits and imaginative play, catering to the diverse interests of its visitors.

Howden Park, presents a tranquil haven where residents can immerse themselves in nature and community. Its soccer field and playground provide opportunities for both organized sports and leisurely recreation, fostering a sense of connection and belonging.

Frontenac Park, is a serene oasis for residents and visitors alike, inviting them to unwind and reconnect with nature. Its walking path and playground offer opportunities for leisurely strolls and outdoor play, creating a tranquil setting for moments of quiet reflection and joyful exploration.

Applewood Park, nestled at the end of a quiet bay, offers a picturesque setting for outdoor play and recreation. Its charming playground serves as a whimsical oasis where children can explore and embark on exciting adventures amidst towering trees and lush foliage.

Agate Park, provides a tranquil retreat amidst the urban landscape. Its inviting playground offers a safe and inviting environment for children to engage in outdoor play and social interaction, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Berkshire Park, represents Winnipeg's commitment to providing accessible and enjoyable green spaces. Its wading pool, washroom facilities, and playground offer opportunities for families to create cherished memories and bask in the simple pleasures of outdoor recreation.

Wickham Park, offers a delightful escape for families seeking outdoor adventures. Its charming playground serves as a vibrant hub of excitement and imagination, inviting laughter and fostering friendships amidst the park's serene surroundings. Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or an active day of play, Windsor Park's parks and outdoor spaces provide something for everyone to enjoy and explore.

The Niakwa Trail is a popular multi-use trail that winds its way through various neighborhoods in the eastern part of the city and runs along the south side of Windsor Park. The trail provides residents and visitors with an excellent opportunity to explore the natural beauty of Winnipeg while engaging in outdoor activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, and rollerblading. Stretching for several kilometers, the Niakwa Trail meanders through parks, green spaces, and along scenic riverbanks, offering picturesque views and a peaceful ambiance. It's a great option for those seeking a leisurely stroll or a more vigorous workout in a scenic setting. One notable feature of the Niakwa Trail is its accessibility and connectivity. It links to other trail systems in the city, allowing users to extend their journey and explore different parts of Winnipeg. Additionally, the trail is well-maintained and clearly marked, making it easy for users to navigate and enjoy their outdoor experience. Whether you're looking for a relaxing walk amidst nature or a challenging bike ride through urban landscapes, the Niakwa Trail offers something for everyone.

Art McOuat Memorial Park located at 910 Magnot Street and is named in honor of Art McOuat, a dedicated community member known for his contributions to the area. The park serves as a green space within the neighborhood, providing residents and visitors with opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation. At the heart of Art McOuat Memorial Park are its impressive sports facilities, which include two baseball diamonds, one football field, and two soccer fields. These well-maintained fields serve as the backdrop for countless hours of friendly competition, teamwork, and athletic achievement. Whether it's a thrilling game of baseball, football, or soccer, the park's versatile fields cater to athletes of all ages and skill levels, fostering a love for sport and promoting an active lifestyle within the community. the home of the Falcons Football Club (FFC), a non-profit, community-based tackle football club dedicated to promoting and developing amateur football in the Bonivital area of Winnipeg. In addition to its sports facilities, Art McOuat Memorial Park is also home to the Maginot Arena, adding another layer of excitement and activity to the park's dynamic landscape. The arena provides a venue for ice sports such as hockey and figure skating, offering residents the chance to lace up their skates and glide across the ice in the heart of their community. Beyond its athletic offerings, Art McOuat Memorial Park serves as a gathering place for families, friends, and neighbors to come together and enjoy the great outdoors. With ample green space, picnic areas, and walking paths, the park invites visitors to relax, unwind, and connect with nature in a serene and picturesque setting. These facilities cater to a wide range of interests and age groups, making the park a popular destination for families, individuals, and groups alike.

Winakwa Community Centre, located at 980 Winakwa Road, serves as a dynamic hub for recreational activities and community engagement. Boasting two baseball diamonds and four soccer fields, the center provides ample space for athletes of all ages and skill levels to participate in organized leagues and friendly matches. Additionally, visitors can enjoy the off-leash dog area, outdoor pool, playground, outdoor hockey rink, and tennis courts, offering a diverse range of activities for residents to embrace throughout the year. With the inclusion of a community garden, the center fosters a sense of stewardship for the environment while providing a space for neighbors to come together, further solidifying its role as a cherished gathering place for the community.


Amy McDermid 

Phone:(204) 470-5356



What to do in Winnipeg in March!

Well, March is here... and as they say: "In like a lion, out like a lamb"... well that better be the most quiet, lamb you ever did here.  

In all seriousness though, after the warm winter we've had, where snow had difficulty simply sticking to the ground, a last (and heavy) snowfall seems nice.  

We have assembled another list of What to Do in March.  For those that find this type of content interesting, I highly encourage you to signup for our newsletter HERE.  In this newsletter, we share a list of fun things coming up (similar to this), some insights, giveaways, and useful content.  I promise, it is nothing spammy and it is only once a month.  It is purely in place to keep our peeps "in the know".  

Without further adieu, here is what you came here for:

✨ Winnipeg Jets Home Game Schedule (all evening games this month)
  • March 5th Seattle Kraken
  • March 11th Washington Capitals
  • March 13th Nashville Predators
  • March 15th Anaheim Ducks
  • March 26th Edmonton Oilers
  • March 28th Vegas Golden Knights
  • March 30th Ottawa Senators
✨ Manitoba Moose Home Game Schedule
  • March 2nd Texas Stars, 2 p.m. start
  • March 3rd Texas Stars, 2 p.m. start
  • March 19th Grand Rapids Griffins, 10 a.m. start
  • March 20th Grand Rapids Griffins, 7 p.m. start
  • March 23rd Abbotsford Canucks, 2 p.m. start
  • March 24th Abbotsford Canucks, 2 p.m. start
  • March 27th Toronto Marlies, 7 p.m. start
  • March 29th Toronto Marlies, 2 p.m. start

✨ March 1st to March 23rd - Infinite Horizons at 125 Adelaide Street

✨ March 1st Passage to Freedom – Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion. At the Manitoba Museum

✨ March 1st on - First Fridays in The Exchange. Galleries, artists, shops and restaurants stay open late

✨ March 1st and 2nd - Winnipeg Whiskey Festival at The Fairmont

✨ March 1st to April 5th - Printed Flight // Lisa Matthias at Martha Street Studio

✨ March 2nd – Lake Shaker, annual winter party at Fort Whyte Alive

✨ March 2nd - Virtuosi Concerts presents With sick and famish’d eyes, at Winnipeg Art Gallery

✨ March 2nd - One Night With The King - 3 World Champion Performers! Club Regent Event Centre

✨ March 2nd - William Prince Joy Canadian Tour 2024 at Centennial Concert Hall

✨ March 2nd – The Great Canadian Road Trip: Doc Walker, Michelle Wright & Jason McCoy, at Club Regent Event Centre

✨ March 2nd and 3rd - WSO presents Sultans of String at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ March 3rd - The End Is Nye! An Evening with Bill Nye the Science Guy at Centennial Concert Hall

✨ March 4th - Big Sugar at Burton Cummings Theater

✨ March 4th - JOURNEY 50th Anniversary Tour at Canada Life Centre

✨ March 5th Alan Doyle Welcome Home Tour with Special guest Adam Baldwin at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ March 5th - Music ‘N’ Mavens presents From Bach to AC/DC at Rady Jewish Community Centre

✨ March 6th to 10th - Inhibition Exhibition 2024 at Crescent Fort Rouge United Church

✨ March 6th - Music ‘N’ Mavens presents Onna Lou Sings Songs of Latin America at Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre

✨ March 7th - Women's Day Concert by The Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra 3.0 at the West End Cultural Centre

✨ March 7th to 10th - Winnipeg Rock N' Gem Show - the LARGEST Gem and Mineral Show in Canada. Red River Exhibition Park.

✨ March 7th - WSO presents Pouliot Plays Sibelius at the Centennial Concert Hall

✨ March 7th - WSO presents Grieg UnTuxed at Centennial Concert Hall

✨ March 8th - Ministry with special guests Gary Numan and Front Line Assembly at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ March 8th and 9th - Bryan Hatt at Yuk Yuk’s Winnipeg

✨ March 8th to 23rd - Rise, Red River at Théâtre Cercle Molière

✨ March 9th - Evening Astropub. Enjoy food, drinks, and a trip through the stars! At FortWhyte Alive inside the Star Dome.

✨ March 9th - Sustainability Tours at The Leaf Tours start at 1:00 pm and are roughly 30 minutes long.

✨ March 9th to 10th - Matt Rife ProbleMATTic World Tour at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ March 9th and 10th - 2024 Canadian Senior & Yout Kyorugi and Poomsae National Championships at RBC Convention Centre

✨ March 9th & 10th - Pain to Power A Kanye West Musical Protest at The Rady Jewish Community Centre

✨ March 9th - PegSpo Winnipeg Sports Collectibles Expo Show at RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg

✨ March 9th & 10th - Royal Winnipeg Ballet presents Steppin’ Out at The Royal Winnipeg Ballet Founders' Studio

✨ March 10th – 16th Freeze Frame International Film Festival for Kids of All Ages at the Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain

✨ March 12th - Music ‘N’ Mavens presents Tom Jobim: Where’s the Love? At Rady Jewish Community Centre

✨ March 12th – 13th - Jordan Welwood at Rumor's Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ March 13th - The Leaf After Dark: Adults Only Nights at the Leaf

✨ March 13th - Corb Lund - The El Viejo Release Tour with special guest 49 Winchester! At the Burton Cummings Theatre

✨March 14th - Music ‘N’ Mavens presents Groovin’ Through the 60s and 70s at the Rady Jewish Community Centre

✨ March 14th – 16th - Steph Tolev at Rumor's Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ March 15th - The Paper Kites and The Roadhouse Band at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ March 15th – 16th - Yuk Yuk’s Pro AM night featuring Damonde Tschritter at The Club Room

✨ March 15th – 16th - WSO presents Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince™ at Centennial Concert Hall

✨March 15th – 17th - 2024 Cottage Country’s Lake & Cabin Show at Red River Exhibition Park

✨ March 16th - 2024 Gala Juste pour Rire des Rendez-vous de la francophonie at Centre culturel franco-manitobain - Salle Pauline Boutal

✨ March 17th - Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir presents The Music of Sir Paul McCartney at Cathédrale de Saint-Boniface

✨ March 18th - 2024 Champions of Magic – 5 World class Illusionists at Centennial Concert Hall

✨ March 18th - Skid Row and Buckcherry at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ March 19th - 2024 Diaspora - A Film by Deco Dawson Doors - at West End Cultural Centre

✨ March 19th to 23rd - Tony Woods at Rumor's Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ March 20th - Manitoba Chamber Orchestra presents Lara Secord-Haid at Crescent Arts Centre

✨ March 20th – 24th - a+dff Architecture + Design Film Festival Winnipeg at Cinematheque

✨ March 20th to April 13th - 2024 Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre presents The Lehman Trilogy at John Hirsch Mainstage

✨ March 21st - Music ‘N’ Mavens presents a Tribute to Tony Bennett at Rady Jewish Community Centre

✨ March 21st - Movie Nights at Dakota Community Centre

✨ March 22nd- 2024 Trans Canada Highway Men at Club Regent Event Centre

✨ March 22nd – 23rd - Katie-Ellen Humphries at Yuk Yuks Comedy Club

✨ March 22nd – 24th - 48th Annual Piston Ring World of Wheels at the RBC Convention Centre

✨ March 22nd – 24th - The Little Opera Company presents The Walk From The Garden Evening by Jonathan Dove Shows at St. John's Anglican Cathedral

✨ March 22nd – 23rd - 2nd annual Pitâw Mīno Muskîki Indigenous Handmade Spring Market at the Via Rail Union Station

✨ March 23rd - C4 - Central Canada Comics/Collectibles Show (Comic Book, Toy and Collectibles Show) at the Caboto Centre

✨ March 23rd – 24th – Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra presents Reeling In The Years: A Tribute to Steely Dan. At Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain.

✨ March 23rd – 24th - Winnipeg Women's Show at RBC Convention Centre

✨ March 23rd - WSO presents Stravinsky's Firebird at Centennial Concert Hall

✨ March 23rd-29th - Festival of Fools! Free family event held at The Forks during the school spring break

✨ March 25th - Warren Zeiders - Pretty Little Poison Tour with special guest Austin Williams at Burton Cummings Theatre

✨ March 26th – 30th - Kathleen McGee & Sean Lecomber at Rumor's Restaurant and Comedy Club

✨ March 26th - Music ‘N’ Mavens presents Lady Muse & The Inspirations at Rady Jewish Community Centre

✨ March 27th - 2024 Manitoba Chamber Orchestra presents Maria Brea at Crescent Arts Centre

✨ March 28th - 2024 Moonlit Melodies (acoustic concert) at FortWhyte Alive

✨ March 28th - Music ‘N’ Mavens presents A Trip to New Orleans by Dirty Catfish Brass Band at Rady Jewish Community Centre

✨ March 29th – 30th - Johnny Pogo at Yuk Yuk's Comedy Club

✨ March 29th & 30th - 2024 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity at WAG-Qaumajuq

✨ Until March 21st - Lights On The Exchange

✨ Until March 22nd - Edge of Darkness – Planetarium Show

✨ Until March 23rd - Flora of the Philippines at The Leaf

✨ Until March 24th - Learn About Polar Bears with CPAWS at Gateway to the Arctic, Winnipeg Zoo.

✨ Until March 24th - Guided Snowshoe Walks at Oak Hammock Marsh every Sunday

✨ Until March 29th – After Hours at Fort Whyte

✨ Until March 30th - The Snow Maze

✨ Until March 31st - In My Backyard – Planetarium Show

✨ Until April 30th - WAG@The Park presents a rotating series of exhibitions curated by WAG-Qaumajuq at The Pavilion at Assiniboine Park Conservancy

✨ Until May 23rd - Downtown Farmers' Market at Cityplace

✨ Until Augus 31st Beyond the Beat: Music of Resistance and Change at Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Want an event included in our next newsletter (for April)? Email us the details at  We hope to see you at some of these events!


Home Ownership is Down in Manitoba (2024).  But why?

Statistics are showing the Canadian Homeownership is down over the past decade.  Today, let's discuss how you can still make homeownership a reality.

According to Statistics Canada, Canada's homeownership rate decreased from 69 percent in 2011 to 66.5 (-2.5%) percent in 2021. Despite this overall decline, several provinces boast higher homeownership rates, influenced by factors such as personal preferences, age, market conditions, and housing options. Zoocasa did a more in-depth analysis on the topic, and has shed light on how homeownership rates have evolved across the country and among different generations of Canadians.

home ownership in winnipeg

Zoocasa's findings reveal that provinces with more affordable housing tend to have higher homeownership rates – and there is almost a direct correlation. In 2021, New Brunswick, with the lowest average home price of $239,900, secured the second-highest homeownership rate in Canada at 73 percent. Similarly, Newfoundland and Labrador, home to the largest group of homeowners, experienced a modest 9.3 percent increase in average home prices since 2011, maintaining a homeownership rate of 75.7 percent in 2021.

Saskatchewan and Alberta were the only other provinces with homeownership rates above 70 percent in 2021, though both experienced slight declines compared to 2011. Despite high demand in Alberta, a shortage of inventory as well as increasing home prices of late has led many residents to opt for home rentals.

Major Canadian markets, particularly in Ontario, witnessed a significant jump in average home prices from 2011 to 2021, with a staggering 135.4 percent increase. This surge, coupled with a lack of proportional income growth, contributed to a 3.1 percent decline in homeownership over the decade. Quebec, despite relatively low home prices, also had a below-average homeownership rate of just under 60 percent, with a marginal decrease of 1.3 percent from 2011 to 2021.

Nova Scotia and British Columbia had the second-lowest homeownership rates, experiencing substantial drops of 4 percent and 3.2 percent, respectively, since 2011. The sharp increase in home prices in British Columbia, from $506,100 in 2011 to $910,800 in 2021 (an 80 percent rise), further challenges prospective buyers.

I’m saving the best for last, but I’m biased (of course)! Manitoba did see a pretty substantial drop of 2.7%, although we were quite close to the national average. 

In 2011, the average house price here was around $234,290 in Winnipeg and up to $336,635 by 2021. However, we still sat at half of the national housing average in Canada.

The conversations I’m having are revealing a few things and they are backed-up by the statistics:

  • Among demographic groups, millennials face the toughest challenges in homeownership, with the lowest rate among all age groups. The homeownership rate for those under 40 falls below the national average of 66.5 percent.
  • Notably, younger millennials in the 25-29 age group experienced a significant drop from 44.1 percent to 36.5 percent, reflecting the challenges they encounter in entering the housing market.

It doesn't all have to be bad news!

I continue to hear stories while I’m out and about, in which many are worried that homeownership might not be in the cards for them.  And to them, I say: It’s time to get scrappy.  Here are a few ways I’ve had clients do it:

  • Sacrifice your freedom (for a short period of time, that is).  Be willing to live in your parents’ basement.  Be willing to manage an apartment complex in order to live rent free.  Whatever you can do to offset your current expenses so that you can SAVE that downpayment
  • Take advantage of the programs available to you.  I’ve recorded videos on the First Time Home Savings Account as well as the FSB – I’ll link those videos below.  But use whatever tax incentives there are available to you.  When you get your refund, set that money aside and DO NOT TOUCH IT!
  • Be willing to do what it takes.  Side hustles, door dashing, selling off existing stuff.  I’ve even heard of some with garage sale hustles, whereby they resell at a profit on eBay
  • Be open to your surroundings. Be willing to rent out a portion of the property, to offset the costs.
  • Sacrifice some fun… maybe Taylor Swift tickets aren’t in the budget, or that trip to Mexico.  Dinners out too are a major expense among the millennial population.  Think, rice and beans will give you the means!
  • Think lowering your expectations. Maybe a large home with an equally oversized home is going to be the next step, but not this step.  What is important now, is getting into a home so that you can start building that equity.  Then use that as a platform to launch to the next home.
  • Expand upon your areas.  Maybe you dream of being in River Heights.  But your budget doesn’t afford River Heights.  Are there adjacent communities that could work for now?
  • Be ready to build some sweat equity.  If the bones of a home are good, any cosmetic projects you do will add value and increase your equity.  Force that appreciation!
  • Get aggressive with your debt paydown.  Don’t buy the fancy car with high monthly payments.  Buy a car you can afford, in cash, that is still reliable but perhaps older and not so fancy. Any debt obligations you add to your credit bureau, will negatively impact your approval rate.

I truthfully believe where there is a will, there is a way.  I’ve seen many scrappy millennials get there, and they look back fondly at just how scrappy they were.

winnipeg real estate market realtor#AgentJen

Jennifer Queen

Phone: (204) 797-7945

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We have created several pages to help you navigate through your search and narrow down key areas of interest. Whether it be Sage Creek Real Estate, Windsor Park Real Estate, Fort Garry Real Estate, Transcona Real Estate, Luxury Real Estate, or just Winnipeg Real Estate in general, we have got you covered. Do you feel we are missing a community that would be of interest to you? Let us know, we would love to add information that our clients find useful!

Jennifer Queen Personal Real Estate Corporation